16th Swiss Global Change Day
The Swiss Global Change Day is the platform where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research.

Program:The key note speakers Helmut Haberl, Christian Körner, Harini Nagendra, Alan Robock, Brigitte Buchmann and Anthony Patt encompass topics of the physical climate system, the biochemical and geochemical processes and impacts, biodiversity and the human dimensions of global change.
Poster session:The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters in the following categories:
- Geosphere/Biosphere
- Atmosphere/Hydrosphere
- Human Dimensions
- Biodiversity
- Sustainability/North-South Partnership
>Criteria for the poster evaluation
You should make an A0 print of your poster (either landscape or portrait format) on your own. The PDF you have to send us (until 23 March, max 10 MB) is for the jury to make an appropriate evaluation.
Registration Deadline: 27 March 2015.
Location: Freies Gymnasium, Beaulieustr. 55, Bern
Swiss Global Change Day
- 24th Swiss Global Change Day
- 23rd Swiss Global Change Day
- 22nd Swiss Global Change Day
- 21st Swiss Global Change Day
- 20th Swiss Global Change Day
- 19th Swiss Global Change Day
- 18th Swiss Global Change Day
- 17th Swiss Global Change Day
- 16th Swiss Global Change Day
- 15th Swiss Global Change Day
- 14th Swiss Global Change Day
- 13th Swiss Global Change Day
- 12th Swiss Global Change Day
- 11th Swiss Global Change Day
- 10th Swiss Global Change Day
- 9th Swiss Global Change Day
- 8th Swiss Global Change Day
- 7th Swiss Global Change Day
- 6th Swiss Global Change Day
- 5th Swiss Global Change Day
- 4th Swiss Global Change Day
- 3rd Swiss Global Change Day
- 2nd Swiss Global Change Day
- First Swiss Global Change Day